Sponsored by JARTS(President JA1ACB)
Supported by Japanese CQ Magazine

We have the great pleasure to invite you to the 9th WW RTTY CONTEST conducted by the Japanese Amateur Radio Teleprinter Society, JARTS.

Contest Period: 0000UTC Saturday, Oct. 21th thru 2400UTC Sunday, Oct.22th.
You can operate whole 48 hours.
3.5, 7, 14, 21, 28 MHz
Japanese RTTY segments are follows:
3.520-3.525MHz 7.025-7.045MHz 14.070-14.112MHz 21.070-21.125MHz 28.070-28.150MHz
MODE: Baudot only
Classes: A) Single Op, All Band
B) Multi Op(permitted multi TX), All Band
Exchange: RST and Operator Age. 00(zero zero) acceptable for YL and XYL.
All Multi-operator stations must send 99 as a operator age.
QSO Points: Two(2), QSO point for contact within your own continent.
Three(3), QSO point for contacts outside your own continent.
Multiplier: A)Each DXCC entity except JA/W/VE/VK(mainland).
B)Each call area of JA/W/VE/VK(mainland).
Each multiplier is counted as a Multi point only once a band.
You can count your own entity or call area (JA,W,VE,VK) as a Multi point.
Scoring: (QSO points) x (sum of entities and call areas)
SWL: Same rules apply as above.
Awards: 1st plaque to top winner in all three classes.
1st thru 3rd place certificates, all three calsses in each continent.
Special award for the 20th from the bottom in all three classes.
Note: Awards will be issued based on 20 participants or more in each class.
Logs and Summary: We can accept logs as a Floppy Disk(2HD) or an attachment file to the E-mail.

The logs to contain
BAND, DATE/TIME(UTC), CALLSIGN, RST/AGE sent and received, MULTI and POINTS claimed.
Use One File for each band.
Any entry making more than 200 QSOs must submit duplicate check file.

You have to Use Online Summary Form
We do not accept paper logs and summary.
Notice: We will accecpt all documents only through the Internet on NEXT(2001 year) contest.
Deadline: Logs must be received by November 30, 2000 to qualify.
You can find your callsign on Submitted Logs within three days after you submitted your Summary.
Send Logs to: JARTS Contest Manager, Hiroshi Aihara, JH1BIH
1-29 Honcho 4 Shiki Saitama 353-0004 Japan
Send E-mail to: jh1bih@edsoftz.com
Subject: JARTS2000(Your Callsign)
A message as follow: JARTS RTTY Contest 2000 entry file. (attached file name)

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